A World Where It Is Noise vs. Silence

When I was growing up I was never proud of being deaf, I never wanted to be without my hearing devices. I wasn’t okay with sitting in silence. But, as I have gotten older, I noticed that we as a society live in a world of constant noise. The busyness of life means there is always a ticking clock to remind you how fast life truly is, and people seem to need to have constant input from music, television, or chatting with others.

Nevertheless, I’ve learned to embrace a moment of silence. Actual silence. To enjoy sitting by myself reading a book, or sitting in a busy cafe not needing to hear the 100’s conversations happening, not needing to hear myself place an order. To observe my surroundings in silence. By doing this I have noticed how much of a rush everyone is in all the time. When you don’t have the distraction of sound. You notice more.

The couple in the corner (that are in their own little world),

The barista who looks stressed (she would love to see a smiling face),

The little girl who is playing with her dolls (creating her own stories),

And the older man whom you make eye contact with (because he too is just observing).

I know not everyone can experience silence like me but, we should all figuratively live in silence, take the time to look around and don’t try to fill the silence with noise.

You might just notice something special.

Jayu Canada