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Our Team

Hover over each member’s photo to learn more about their role and their human rights passions!


EMMA (she/HER)


I am a fourth year International Development student. I am passionate about economic development and wealth inequality, social rights and service access for equity-seeking groups, and experiences of vulnerable groups in urban communities. In my free time I love to write, play and listen to music, go thrifting, and crochet! I am so excited to be leading JAYUxGuelph this year and hope to expand our reach to more groups on campus and in the Guelph community.

JORDYNE (she/her)

The Bulletin Coordinator

Hello beautiful people! My name is Jordyne and I am a second year Justice and legal studies student with a minor in creative writing. I am very interested in how policy and law influences social justice. I am especially passionate about disability rights, feminism, and rights for indigenous people. I have a big passion for the visual arts, from writing to painting! My goal this year is to write some unique and amazing articles for JAYUxGuelph!


iAM Rep

Hi all! My name is Yun (she/her) and I am a third year student studying Biological Sciences with a minor in Molecular Biology and Genetics. I am a musician who is interested in advocating for the fight against several social issues such as discrimin…

Hi all! My name is Yun (she/her) and I am a fourth year student studying Biological Sciences with a minor in Molecular Biology and Genetics. I am a musician who is interested in advocating for the fight against several social issues such as discrimination against the LBGTQ2IA+ community, poverty, and racism.


Festivals Coordinator

I am a Fourth-Year International Development major with an emphasis in the Fragile Context! I am passionate about social justice issues in the Latine community, especially when it comes to breaking down the invalidation of people’s identities. Through my major and work I have also gained a passion for food security issues, immigration barriers, and recognizing harmful colonial legacies. Some hobbies of mine include painting, cooking, reading, and salsa dancing. My main goal for this year is to prioritize my mental health above all to develop a healthier school/work life balance!

Taite (SHE/Her)

Campus and Community Liason

Hello! I’m Taite (she/her), and I am a third year undergraduate student majoring in the Honours Biological Science program with a minor in Zoology at the UofG. Though I am a science student, I am just as passionate about the arts, specifically, practicing different musical instruments and writing in my spare time. Moreover, I like to advocate for disability rights, accessibility, mental health support, and LGBTQ2IA+ rights.

Hello! I’m Taite (she/her), and I am a fourth year undergraduate student majoring in the Honours Biological Science minoring in Zoology, 4th Year, Mental Health Issues, Women's Rights, and Disability Rights, Hobbies: hiking and baking, Goals: exercise daily, read more, travel for the first time internationally since the pandemic!

LUCY (she/her)

Communications Coordinator

Hi Everyone! My name is Lucy (she/her) and I am a third-year Marketing Management Co-op major with a minor in Arts, Culture, and Heritage Management. Amongst an abundance of social justice issues and topics, I am especially passionate about advocating for anti-racism, feminism, and connecting youth to the arts.

MYAH (she/HER)

Vice President

Hi! I’m Ava (she/her) and I am a fourth year undergraduate student majoring in International Development Studies with a specialization in Development in Fragile Contexts. I’m passionate about human rights issues like racial justice, gender equality, and sexual and reproductive health and rights. I look forward to working with an amazing team of individuals who are dedicated to spreading awareness of various social justice issues through the arts.

Claire (she/HER)

Communications Coordinator

Hey there! My name is Myah (she/her), and I am a second year Criminal Justice and Public Policy student with a minor in Political Science. I am passionate about finding creative ways to advocate on human rights issues. My areas of interest are focused around gender equality and mental health, particularly in combating sexual and gender-based violence. I am inspired by survivors' resilience and the community of support on campus. I look forward to strengthening this community through advocacy with JAYUxGuelph!

CHARLOTTE (she/her)

Podcast Coordinator

Hello! My name is Charlotte Eagleson (She/Her) and I’m a third year undergrad student in International Development and French. I am very passionate about subjects surrounding anti-oppression activism and LGBTQAI2+ based education! So far I’ve been an online mentor for first year students and a head member of the UofG improv team and I can’t wait to continue to do more exciting and relevant work with the university through JAYUxGuelph!

Hello! My name is Charlotte Eagleson (She/Her) and I’m a fourth year undergrad student in International Development and French. I am very passionate about subjects surrounding anti-oppression activism and LGBTQAI2+ based education! So far I’ve been an online mentor for first year students and a head member of the UofG improv team and I can’t wait to continue to do more exciting and relevant work with the university through JAYUxGuelph!

Skylar (SHE/HER)

Campus and Community Liason

Hi everyone! I’m Skylar (she/her) and I’m in my fourth year of political science with a minor in international development. Some of the themes I’m interested in further exploring include the promotion of environmental sustainability, the asymmetrical impact of health policy on various parts of the population, and combatting antisemitism on university campuses. This year at JAYUxGuelph, I‘m excited to create an immersive art gallery which will feature works from various student clubs as well as local Guelph artists!


iAM Rep

hi everyone! my name is jessi (she/her) and i’m in my third year of anthropology with a double minor in english and international development. some of the topics i am passionate about include intersectional feminism, sustainable development, and accessible aid. i am incredibly excited to incorporate additional art mediums, such as music, into the jayu agenda. overall, i’m really looking forward to being part of such an incredible club where we forge the path for art and social justice to meet. i can’t wait to meet you all :)


Activities Representative

Hi everyone! My name is Gaya (she/her) and I'm in my fourth year of an undergraduate program majoring in biomedical sciences and minoring in project management. I am passionate about many human rights challenges as well as numerous movements addressing social inequalities and environmental sustainability. I'm especially passionate about access to basic medicine both locally and globally. I look forward to organizing exciting and entertaining events while bringing attention to such issues in an artistic way at JAYUXGuelph :)