My Definition of Social Justice

S for the Society that must work as a team to make social justice happen
O for Opportunities missed due to people’s judgements on things we as
humans cannot change.
C for the Change that needs to happen to make this world a welcoming place, that
makes people want to live.
I for believing that; Inequality is an Injustice that needed to be fixed
A for all of the Allies that have fought by our side, we thank you from the bottom of our
L for the Law which has forever been a major friend and foe of social justice.
J for the dictionary definition of the word is: Justice in terms of the distribution of
wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.
U for the dream of complete Unity in our nations, so all can have access to basic
human rights no matter what side of the world you reside in.
S for the past and current Struggles that never should have happened. The fight to
end of segregation, the right for women to be seen as people, the right for
protection against police brutality, the disability rights movement, the right to love
who you want, and so so much more.
T for the little amount of Time it takes an injustice to occur it is so unfortunate that it
takes that amount tenfold to solve it.
I for the Impact one person can make on any social justice movement, you are
C for Climate justice; social justice isn’t only about human rights it’s about the
environmental rights that will save the world.
E for the Equity that all groups deserve. To realize equality is not always enough. All
social justice issues are not the same.