iAM Action: Building Your Portfolio

Join our hands-on workshop, "Building Your Portfolio" designed for creatives eager to showcase their work online. In just 45 minutes, you'll learn how to create a professional portfolio that highlights your talents and achievements. Participants will be asked to create a free WIX account before the session.

What You'll Learn:

  • Welcome and Overview: Understand the importance of a professional portfolio. Walk through what Justus would look for from a portfolio, whether it be professional, a business, etc.

  • Template Selection: Choose and personalize a template to match your style.

  • Customization: Edit text, images, and videos; adjust layouts, fonts, and colors.

  • Project Pages: Create and organize individual project pages.

  • Galleries and Slideshows: Use gallery features to display your work.

  • Compelling Descriptions: Craft engaging descriptions for your projects.

  • Interactive Q&A: Get personalized advice and answers to your questions.



Justus Buenaflor is a Toronto-based graphic designer and illustrator known for his whimsical creativity and unique approach to storytelling through art and design. With a distinctive style that often includes delightfully long-winded sentences, he brings a touch of humor and humanity to his work. Currently, Justus is a graphic designer at Holt Renfrew, where he continues to infuse his artistic passion into every project. At heart, he remains an artist dedicated to crafting visuals that captivate, excited, and inspire.


  • Date: Saturday, August 3, 2024

  • Time: 12 PM - 1 PM

  • Location: JAYU - here’s how to find us!
    Room 380
    401 Richmond Street West
    Toronto, ON
    M8V 3A8

  • Food and TTC tickets will be provided.

  • Please create a free WIX account before the session.

  • Please bring in a laptop if you have access to one. If not, there will be laptops available for you to borrow!

NOTE: Registration does not guarantee a seat in the workshop as spots are limited.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Samantha at samantha@jayu.ca

iAM Action Workshops are funded by the Government of Canada and United Way under the Community Services Recovery Fund, «iAM Ateliers Actions est financé par le gouvernement du Canada et Centraide sous le Fonds de relance des services communautaires.»⁠

We'd like to express our gratitude as well to our exclusive iAM Action Funder, RBC, for ensuring the successful delivery of vital instructive workshops.