iAM Because We Are: Sustainable Wellness in Advocacy

‘iAM Because We Are’ is a 3-workshop series to help provide coping tools on regulation, strategies to manage self-expectations around advocacy, and reinforced importance of community.


April 13th - In person - 2 hours 
Overview of building community connection, what is sustainable wellness, defining the self-regulation tools you already have, overview of our nervous system and the resources we need to support all parts of the self - somatic practice  

April 20th - virtual - 1.5 hours
I am (overwhelmed) - what it means to be in a state of overwhelmed (fight, flight, shame, burnout, ext) , resources specifically around overwhelm, guided breathwork. 

April 27th - virtual - 1.5 hours
I am ( grounded) - overview of window of tolerance, what it means to be grounded, defining wellness through your POV, guided breathwork.


Chantée Dardaine

Chantée is a Registered Psychotherapist, Yoga Teacher and Founder of SelfCareTO. She started this practice with the intention to help people take care of their whole self well (without feeling guilty). Chantee values community experiences and is constantly looking for new interpretations to wellness. Chantée's practice and therapeutic approach is grounded in accessibility, affordability and approachability. Outside of therapy, she loves to read, cook and go for walks with her dog Peanut! 

Program Details

  • April 13 (in-person), April 20 (virtual), April 27 (virtual)

  • 11 am - 1 pm

  • Food and TTC tickets will be provided for in-person session

Workshop Locations:

NOTE: Registration does not confirm your spot in the program, you will be notified of next steps.

  • Before registering, please review the program dates and overall time commitment to ensure this program best suits your schedule.

Registration CLOSES on April 8, 2024

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Desiree at desiree@jayu.ca